19 February, 2013

Indore diary [5] : Robot was my life (Part 1)

Every action has a cause. Different people doing same action may have different-different cause. As far as the my reason of pursuing M Tech is concern, it was more related to acquire certain skills so that I can use them in order to achieve my goal than to got a postgraduate degree. I wanted to be a good designer of microcontroller based system. During my first semester I along with classmate cum friend (Bhupendra) decided to make a microcontroller based project. After few days I came to know about “Kshitij” annual technical festival of IIT khadagpur which was going to organize on last week of January 2012. There was few robotic competitions were also going to organize. I found one of them suitable for us according to our knowledge level and current skills. The problem was to build a line follower robot and another robot which follows the same path as follows by line follower robot. Both wired and wireless communication was allowed between robots. Name of the competition was STALK which was compatible with given problem.

I want to research on the line follower robot and for this I downloaded so many related IEEE paper. For the first time I know that line follower robot can be implement many different techniques like image processing technique, through PID control or by using different types of sensor. I read almost all of them and analyze with respect to our problem. We decided to use Omniwheel and reflective optical sensor (CNY70). Instead of differential drive technique used in most of line follower robot, we decided to use new type of drive technique using omniwheel. Omniwheel was used to increase the DoF (degree of freedom) of robot. After initial theoretical work had completed, we made initial circuit diagram of different section of robot. Now it was time to jump from theoretical world to practical things. So we purchase few things from shop like stepper motor, wireless receiver and transmitter and dc motor. We wanted to check circuits on bread board before we implement on PCB. There were mainly four sections of our lovely robot:

1.      DC motor control
2.      Sensor circuitry
3.      Wireless transmitter and receiver
4.      Stepper motor control

So we started our work in Electronics Lab (thanks to Vasanti ma’am) on bread board. We bunked few lectures and during free time we rushed to electronics lab for some days. Except dc motor control sections no circuit work fine in one try. We needed to change the values of resistance and after investing so much time and efforts; we found that everybody was working fine except the stepper motor. Initially we wanted to control stepper motor and did not get any success. Later we changed our strategy and were trying that at least stepper motor move a bit. But stepper motor swore to not move a bit. After some mischievous experiment finally stepper motor was agree to move a bit but not every time. It was as reliable as street dog, may be dog will run after you or not. We got stuck in this problem. 

A project made by Rajkamal sir (www.rajkamal.org) now in dust at Electronics Lab. 

We tried for many days but still didn’t able to catch any ray of hope. We were frustrated and disappointed towards the future of robot. First semester examination was near and hence we started to give less time to robot. But I was still hope for something good. After examination, it was time to go home. At home, even if we were not sure about the future of robot but we decided to make body of robots.  Under the sun of uncertainty, with the help of some skill people I had body of robots in few days. After few days I again found myself in Indore and it was starting of next semester. We again tried but result was same and unpredictable.
During those days I could smell the news of our robot in the air of department still its future was quite uncertain. Krishna was also willing to join and along with Devendra, we were now team of four. Krishna was lucky fellow for all of us. He had previous experience of working with stepper motor and he solved our problem up to significant extent. But still all was not well…

[To be concluded...]

For Part 2: Click Here

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