11 October, 2013

Do it yourself

Once a research team performed experiment on group of monkeys. They hung bananas on wall and locked four monkeys in that room. They also put ladder beside wall so that monkey could reach up to bananas through it. They were observing behavior of monkeys from window. After few minutes, one monkey found bananas on wall and he started to climb ladder. But as soon as he reached up to middle of ladder, scientists released cold water on monkey through pipe already installed just above the head of monkey. Due to the extremely cold water, monkey immediately came down. After few seconds, he tried again but same thing happened. Remaining three monkeys also tried for the same and they also came down due to the cold water.

After some time scientists replaced one monkey. New monkey also tried to climb ladder in order to get bananas. But as soon as he went towards ladder, remaining three monkeys dragged him away from ladder and beat him. After few minutes, new monkey tried again and remaining three monkeys again beat him. He did again but every time he got beaten by remaining three monkeys. He gave up.

After some time scientists replaced one monkey out of the three old monkeys. New monkey also observed that bananas were hanging and there is a ladder to reach there. He also tried to climb ladder but here also he got beaten by remaining three monkeys. After three – four attempts he also gave up.

After some time scientists replaced one monkey out of the two old monkeys. New monkey also tried to climb ladder for bananas. But after he got beaten three- four times by remaining three monkeys, he also gave up.

After some time scientists replaced one monkey and there were entirely new group of monkeys in the room. After he saw bananas, newest monkey approached towards ladder. Remaining three monkeys also beat him and after three – four rounds; he also gave up. Interestingly, remaining three monkeys didn't know that why they were beating the fourth monkey when he approached towards ladder. They were beating because they saw others doing the same.

Like these monkeys, many times in life we also took same decisions as other people took and never try to figure out the reason. People like Bill gates, Steve jobs were college dropouts but they made their own path and far more successful than other people. Instead of following others blindly, do it yourself. When you know the reasons to do, you would do it from your whole heart and mind. Well, I am not talking about love.

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