31 January, 2013

वो आदमी मर गया..

शर्माजी डायनिंग टेबल पर बैठे हुए थे। थाली सामने रखी हुई थी। रोटी तोड़ने के लिए हाथ उठाया ही था की तभी वहा पर पड़ोस मे रहने वाले वर्माजी आ गये। भूख इतने लगी थी की उठने की इच्छा नहीं हुई।

शर्माजी – आइये वर्माजी, आप भी बैठ जाइए।“

वर्माजी – “अरे नहीं नहीं।“

थोड़ा संकोचवाश होकर वर्माजी ने कहा, आपको पता चला क्या?”

शर्माजी – “किस बारे मे?”

वर्माजी – “अरे, वो आदमी मर गया?”

शर्माजी – “कौन आदमी?”

वर्माजी – अरे वही जो कभी कभी आपके बगीचे की सफाई कर देता था और बदले मे आप उसे खाने का कुछ दे देता थे।“

शर्माजी – “अच्छा वो भिखारी जो चौराहे पर बैठा रहता है, लेकिन वो तो अच्छा भला था?”

वर्माजी  - “सड़क पार करते समय किसी गाड़ी ने टक्कर मार दी।“

शर्माजी – “बड़ा दुख हुआ सुनकर, भला आदमी था बेचारा। कभी कभी तो बगीचे की सफाई के बाद खाने का कुछ ना दो तो भी कुछ नहीं कहता था।

वर्माजी – “हाँ जब भी मुझे मिलता तो आपके बारे मे जरूर पूछता था।“

इस बीच मौके का फायदा उठाकर शर्माजी एक कौर खा ही लेते है। लेकिन तभी ज़ोर से रसोई की ओर देखकर ज़ोर से बोलते है, “आज सब्जी मे नमक कम है।“
वर्माजी भी मौके का फायदा उठाकर धीरे से डायनिंग टेबल पर बैठ जाते है।

प्रश्न – मौत बड़ी या भूख...??

25 January, 2013

Thank you god..

Some time I think what I want and what is being given by god? Often there is gap between them. Some things that is easily accessible and available to other people while I am still struggling for that. May be I am not eligible for that or even deserve for more. I believe in god, might not be in ways the other people are. For me god is an energy flowing through all living and dead material of the universe, it’s not just a painting or statue.

Life is struggle between what you have and what you want, these two things creates the various scenes of play of life. God is creator and interestingly spectator also of this play on the giant theater of earth. It’s just a play, really.

In a cold morning, I was reading an article about cold wave in Delhi. Minimum temperature was decreasing like the morals and ethics of society. Then I found myself reading an article regarding people who are living on footpath and having no home. They have to live on footpath during harsh chilly nights. Sometime they found place in ‘rain basera’ (night shelter), but for specially women they have more troubles because most of the night shelters were for men only. Only few are there exclusively for women. There was one story of women, his two children, mother-in-law and father-in-law. Whole family came to AIIMS,Delhi for treatment of his husband suffering from a rare disease. They tried their best but could not save him. They spent their whole money and even don’t had to go home. They have to live on footpath. Initially they managed to eat something by begging, later they started to sell something on footpath. Sometime they even need to give small amount of money to police constable so that they allow them to stay on footpath. I didn’t understand why they are not going home now. It may be that they still not have enough money or nothing left at home.

That article left a mark in my mind. At night, there was cold outside but I was feeling well inside my blanket. I thanked god to give me that blanket. God give us many things but we don’t realize their worth until we don’t own them. My blanket was one of them. People often remember number of times they encounter RED TRAFFIC LIGHT while driving on road but they often forget the number of times they encounter GREEN TRAFFIC LIGHT so that they move softly. That’s how god gives us things, silently. God works in background. Human have no end of desires. That’s why we always want more from god and never got satisfy by things we have.

Thank you god for whatever you gave me..

16 January, 2013

Wake up my friend..

Some people like to stay in bed with blanket until sun is preparing to go above head. In winter, the most important task for these people is to wake up in the morning. They might take it as a challenge from god but often they lost. Actually they like to lose every day. Most of people like this are night owl. I have some (or all ?) friends like this. But contrary to this, I am early bird and don’t like to stay in bed till late morning. Some time they ask me, “How can you wake up early and what’s the use of it?” I didn’t know what to say and I just gave them a showy smile.

I don’t like that people become lazy; and wake up in late morning is sign of being lazy. A lazy person always performs less than his actual ability and less successful than his/her natural ability. People don’t want to be lazy every time but habit of laziness forces them to being lazy. So it all comes to habit. One a person makes a habit knowingly or unknowingly and then habit makes the character of a person. Some people have habit to wake up early in the morning and some people haven’t. Some people like to eat bitter-gourd while some people don’t like. Some people have habit of smoking and consuming liquor. While some people never even touch cigarette and wine.  So habits decide actions of a person, this person like that thing and that person like something other.

If our habits decide our actions than, what we are doing? Are we just following our habits? What is use of mind in between our ears when we cannot do whatever we “actually” want? We never know when we start a new action and repeatedly occurrence of that action becomes our habit. It starts from a small action and grows to habit like a small seed become a large tree with time. And the time when we realize it becomes our habit. Habits enslave us. Good habits are good for us but they are few and not easy to make them of own. While it is very easy to make a bad habit like to start wake up late in the morning.

It is not easy to conquer a bad habit. According to me bad habit can be conquer by a starting a good habit of opposite nature and this will definitely take time and require lot of patience because it is not easy to remove a tree with its roots.

The world is just awesome but you need to go beyond your bed and walls.
Wake up my friend..

09 January, 2013

yeh dilli hai mere yaar...

When I first came to know that finally I will go to Noida for internship, I was happy and little careful after the horrible description of Noida by the some people. When I found myself in Noida, I became little fishy, from inside I was little interested to see how the all things happen. Initially I even started to think twice to even ask about the way to particular shop or market. In office, almost everybody told me to be careful and avoid going outside after 7-8 in evening. Some people even advised to be careful while talking on cell phone on way to my room because someone might snatch from you because this kind of incidents happened before. Newspapers were also agree with that people .I was feeling like that I am an alien and on another planet where my room and office are my spaceships and only safe places. At Delhi, my brother also gave me such lessons. “My friend robbed before two days under flyover.” this was enough for me. I was thinking that Where I am living? After hearing all this from many people, I started to believe that Delhi and Noida people are not good and can’t be good friend, believing them is like giving Invitation to troubles.

Although I never saw and face any incident, maybe I am lucky enough. Three days ago I was at Delhi and waiting for friends outside a metro station. People were coming outside from underground metro station through escalator. After waiting for few minutes, I use my cell phone to know where my friends reached. When I ended my conversation on cell phone, I saw a man with his Sikh turban in his hands and there was bleeding from scratches on ear. Some people were standing around him. I saw three girls around him and asking him whether he is okay or not. Those girls were looking very worried. I can saw even signs of tears in the eyes of one girl. I thought those girls were with him and that’s why they are so much worry about him. After few moments I came to know that man was accidently fall when he was putting his leg from escalator to floor and now I knew the reason of scratches on ear and little cuts on forehead. When I heard the conversation between those girls and man I realized that those girls were not with him. I was surprised as I was in Delhi, a place not known for good people. One of the girl ran inside metro station and told about the accident to the metro staff. Two people from metro staff came and took him to hospital. While he was going, those girls were still there and looking worried; tell him to take care of himself.

Fortunately I never faced or saw any bad incident in Delhi but all negative energies around suggest me to think negative. But after this incident with me, now I am neither negative nor positive about Delhi’s people. Anything can happen anywhere you are not requiring to be in Delhi or Noida.

…..And some good people are still on the same earth who keeps humanity alive.

04 January, 2013

Wheels of a car..

(Courtesy : Google Images)

While standing at roadside (@Indore) and waiting for a friend; I was watching vehicles coming towards me and going away from me. It was normal thing but after few boring minutes, I started to watch wheels of cars. They were moving fast, sometime slow. Wheels were changing their position to move forward the whole car. Nothing on the road was constant. Everything was changing. Suddenly I took off my eyes from road and started to observe other things around me like shops, people, cow and even dogs. I observe that they were also not constant. Although few things were looking physically stationary but they were also changing every moment like the road weakens gradually due to the friction between tire and road, rainwater etc. I started to fill that change is only thing that is constant. As lord Shrikrishna said in Gita that Change is law of life.

From the moment a person born, he/she has to experience change whether it is about length of hands and legs or the landscape around him/her. Change keeps our interest in life and without it life will be like rainbow having only one color. Change is strategy of god so that we all keep wandering in this round world till death. 

States of mind

If  I wear black goggels than all things around me seems to blackish although they all are not black. Similarly whatever the state of mind accordingly we feel around us irrespective of actuality. States of the mind changes according to the events happan with us in our life and sometime just by imagination of events. As things around us changes, state of mind changes and we feel accordingly. These states gives different colors to our life although we don’t like all of them but they all are necessary. Just like tires of a car change its position so that whole car move forward/backward, mind change its states so that we keep moving, direction depend on the paritcular state of mind. Just like speed and direction of tire desides the direction of whole car, our mind control ourself. The main thing is whether you can control your mind or mind control you whose states depend on external things. So indirectly the world outside yourself will control you unless you can control state of your mind. Although it is not easy for mind to neglect the inputs from our senses, but not impossible.

Be the mind of your mind.